Graduate Program in Physics

Financial support for Faculty Members

Subject to the availability of funds from PROAP, UNIÃO, and other sources, faculty members affiliated with the program may apply for financial aid for the following purposes:

  1. Maintenance of equipment and operation of teaching and research laboratories;
  2. Services and fees related to imports;
  3. Participation in courses and training on laboratory techniques and equipment use;
  4. Production, revision, translation, editing, and publication of scientific-academic content and dissemination of PGF activities;
  5. Maintenance of journal collections (not covered by the CAPES Portal);
  6. Support for the organization of scientific-academic events in Brazil;
  7. Participation in scientific-academic activities and events in Brazil and abroad;
  8. Hosting of external guests for scientific-academic activities in Brazil;
  9. Participation in exchange programs and partnerships between PGF and formally affiliated institutions;
  10. Acquisition and maintenance of information and communication technologies categorized as operating expenses;
Prior Authorization (Event Participation) Prior Authorization (Publication Fee)
  • Publication fees will be reimbursed after prior authorization.
  • Faculty must obtain Prior Authorization by completing the Prior Authorization Form for Publication Fees..
  • Once approved, they will receive an email confirmation along with instructions to proceed with payment using personal funds and request subsequent reimbursement.
  • Expense reporting (submission of submission proof) and inquiries should be directed to
  Research Grants

Current calls for proposals from the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG):

Other Requests

For information on procedures for requesting other types of financial aid, please visit the Financial Coordination PRPPG page, or contact




Alexis Roa Aguirre


Eduardo Henrique Silva Bittencourt

Program Committee


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