Infrastructure and Services
The Graduate Program in Physics (PGF) is based at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry (IFQ), which, since 2014, has been housed in a modern building. The institute provides individual offices for all faculty members, a shared office for postdoctoral fellows and visiting professors, and well-equipped infrastructure for teaching and research laboratories. Additionally, IFQ offers two postgraduate student rooms with individual desks for each student, one of which is equipped with personal computers. The institute also has two classrooms with projectors and air conditioning. Graduate students have access to a dedicated kitchen and coffee room. The IFQ also features two auditoriums (70 and 42 seats, respectively), both equipped with multimedia resources and air conditioning for seminars and events.

Fig. 1. Institute of Physics and Chemistry (IFQ—UNIFEI)
LAC-UNIFEI is a multi-user laboratory equipped with computational infrastructure that enables researchers to carry out various scientific computing activities. The laboratory currently features:
- 7 workstations with dual QuadCore processors and 24GB RAM;
- The Giskard Cluster, consisting of six computing nodes with 40 CPUs running at 2.20GHz and 94.57GB of RAM, along with a head node with 4 CPUs at 1.87GHz and 15.70GB of RAM, totaling 244 processors and over 500GB of RAM;
- The Orion Cluster, featuring 120 QuadCore CPUs and 240GB of RAM;
- A climate-controlled 25m² room, housing the workstations, as well as space for group meetings and seminars.

Fig. 1. Cluster Giskard.

Fig. 2. Pico dos Dias – Brazópolis – MG – Brazil
As a participating institution in the Graduate Program, the LNA, headquartered in Itajubá, offers a wide range of laboratories and access to telescopes at the Pico dos Dias Observatory. Faculty members, students, and research collaborators can use these facilities, which include: Mechanical Workshop, Optical Laboratory, Optical Fiber Laboratory, Automation and Control Laboratory and Optical Metrology Laboratory.

Fig. 3. (Left) Telescope 1,6 m Perkin-Elmer. (Right) Telescope 0,6 m Boller & Chivens.
Fig. 4. (Left) Telescope 0,6 m Zeiss. (Right) Robotic Telescope of 40cm (ROBO40).
The LTEBT is equipped with high-field, low-temperature infrastructure that allows for the investigation of magnetotransport properties in advanced materials, such as narrow-gap semiconductors, topological insulators, and complex oxides. It is the only facility of its kind in the southern region of Minas Gerais. The primary equipment in this laboratory is the PPMS (Physical Property Measurement System) from Quantum Design, which has been operational since 2015. It functions 24/7, with maintenance performed every two months, ensuring a continuous research workflow. The PPMS allows for: Magnetotransport and Hall effect measurements within a temperature range of 1.9 K to 420 K, Magnetic fields up to 9T, using a superconducting coil cooled by liquid helium and Closed-cycle helium system, eliminating the need for an external cryogenics facility. The LTEBT has hosted researchers from INPE (São José dos Campos), UFSCar, and USP (IFUSP) for joint research projects, including mentoring master’s and doctoral students.
The LTEBT is equipped with high-field, low-temperature infrastructure that allows for the investigation of magnetotransport properties in advanced materials, such as narrow-gap semiconductors, topological insulators, and complex oxides. It is the only facility of its kind in the southern region of Minas Gerais.

Fig. 5. PPMS Equipament (Physical Propertie Measurent Sytems. Componentes: (1) Main control module. (2) Module with Dewar and superconducting coil. (3) 99,999% Helium Gas Cylinder (4) Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for the main module and compressors. The equipment does not require an external cryogenic system, as it operates with a closed helium circuit and an internal recovery system responsible for helium gas liquefaction.
The LCEO is a multi-user laboratory dedicated to electro-optical characterizations, utilizing a Hall effect station operating within a temperature range of 77 K to 300 K. The same equipment is used for photoconductivity measurements over this temperature range. To enhance laboratory autonomy, a Kelvin NL84A liquid nitrogen liquefier was installed, making the facility self-sufficient in cryogenics up to 77 K.

Fig. 6. (Left) Hall effect and photoconductivity station with a magnetic field of up to 1T and a liquid nitrogen cryostat.(Right) Kelvin NL84A liquid nitrogen liquefier with a 50-liter storage capacity.
This laboratory focuses on electrical characterizations in both AC and DC, with temperature dependence measurements, as well as optical characterization of thin films and substrates. Available equipment includes: Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), 6K Hall Effect Station, UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer, Spin Coating System

Fig. 8. (Left) Closed-cycle cryostat operating from liquid helium temperatures (10 K) to 300 K. (Center) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). (Right) LCR impedance analyzer.
This laboratory features a Shimadzu Superscan SSX-550 scanning electron microscope (SEM) with EDX capabilities.

Fig. 9 (Left) Shimadzu Superscan SSX-550 SEM with EDX. (Right) MEV image of a PbTe sample doped with BaF2 for surface doping investigation.
The LIFT provides a collaborative space for Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology, and Mathematical Physics researchers at UNIFEI. The laboratory houses a scientific book collection donated by various contributors, including Prof. José Martins Salim, a retired researcher from the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF). The LIFT includes: A common room for discussions, A multimedia-equipped meeting room.

Fig. 10. Theoretical Physics Research Laboratory (LIFT)
A dedicated study room for postgraduate students, equipped with: 20 individual workstations with partitions, Whiteboard and discussion table, Air conditioning

The IFQ has two postgraduate classrooms, both equipped with: Whiteboard and projector, Air conditioning, Seating capacity: 48 (C2258) and 20 (C2257).

A seminar and event auditorium with: 65 seats, Two whiteboards, Two projectors, Air conditioning, Lecturer’s desk

The Mauá Library at UNIFEI provides the academic community with essential services and resources to support teaching, research, and outreach activities. The library maintains a specialized collection in various fields and offers a comfortable study environment with: Computer lab for research, Reading room, Individual and group study rooms, Exhibition space, Administration and technical processing offices
UNIFEI provides all undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty members with an institutional email account (, which enables integration with Google G-Suite and Microsoft 365.
- Degree: Master
- Capes' Rating: grade 4
- Duration: 360 hours
- Campus: Itajuba

Alexis Roa Aguirre

Eduardo Henrique Silva Bittencourt
Program Committee
- Prof. Alexis Roa Aguirre
- Prof. Danilo Roque Huanca
- Prof. Marcelos Lima Peres
- Guilherme Roberto Tavares
- Gabriel Viana Rennó de Oliveira
- In-person service:: Monday to Friday
- Office hours: from 8h to 12am and 2h to 5pm
- E-mail:
- Phone: +55 (35) 3629-1843